Sunday, July 8, 2007

OK so why not?

Well, what can I say?

It's 2007. We are now 7% of the way thru the 21st Century and I finally decided to join it!

Let me explain. For years I have been a faithful Internet "surfer" having been on line for about 12 years. I am now on my 7th computer and have decided some changes are in order--namely it's time to get rid of the dial-up server and try DSL for a change.


As a Corvette fan, about all I can say is, it's like going 140 mph in a 1998 Corvette (I have done that) when you are used to riding a tricycle (done that, too-just not as an adult). The speed is beyond description--yet you probably know that since you probably beat me to the scene and wonder what took so long! "Put down those soup cans and string, dude, and try something better!" Yeah...Mom warned me about guys like you. But then, I never listened.

So, as if DSL wasn't enough, I also went wireless. Now that is exciting! I am no longer connected to the cord! YEA! I can now look like a cool dude at Starbucks (except the ones at Hy-Vee) by acting like I might actually be accomplishing something besides acquiring a caffeine buzz! The possibilities are endless.

My grandfather once pointed out to me that I have many time savings devices and yet no time. How prophetic is that for a guy who was born in 1899 and during his lifetime alone saw changes in simple things like cars and where the bathroom was located! But it's true--I don't have any time--well I actually have 24 hours every day, just like everyone else--but I am sometimes clueless as to how to use them effectively. For that I am typical!

So, here I am on the Web with a blog. A totally useless use of cyberspace for probably 99.87% of the World population. For the rest of you who decided to watch this space or comment on anything from time to time--so be it.

I will give you a few warnings:
--I am "Republican"--actually I am conservative, but I can't find anything conservative on the Democratic platform. That doesn't mean I support lock, stock and barrel what the Republican's stand for. I don't. I am not rich. I am educated though--especially in Economics and Iwill tell you that from an economic standpoint--WE ARE SCREWED and no one (except maybe Ross Perot) wants to talk about it.
--I am Christian. I am not afraid to say that. So, if you hate Christians and want to kill one, don't be afraid to leave my name on your list. I firmly believe that men are the sollution to the future of the Church. Well, actually, that sounds a little pius--God calls men to a relationship and that relationship is the cure for what ails the church and society in general.
--I am a father of two awesome boys who are minority and I don't have time for racial biggotted opinions. So, if you have one--keep it to yourself.
--I live in the midwest, I don't talk funny (at least to me) and I have all my teeth. Well, I guess that is except the ones that have been pulled. And, as far as I am aware, there is no history in my family of anyone marrying there sister or their cousin.

That having been said, let's see where this goes over the years.

For those who know me well, and who have gotten here for whatever reason, let me also tell you that beginning in August 2007 I am going back to school. I will be attending the community college here to obtain a degree in Mortuary Science. I am really looking forward to that! College the second time around for me was interesting--I was 26 and single and had lots on my mind besides studying. This time around, I am 50, married and very focused. I hope to be the guy that everyone hates because he sets the curve!

Bring it on!

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